

Fencing for gardens, courtyards and playgrounds

The division of space carries an important functional role - this way we can separate zones, for instance, a playground or garden. Such division prevents accidental entry of the area or damage. In the case of playgrounds, the fence acts as a protective barrier that prevents children from accidentally going out to the parking or the road.

What does the fence section look like?

The fence sections are made of metal rods, about 5 mm thick. Due to this technology, the weight of a single section is about 20 kg, which makes transportation and assembly much easier. A special coating protects the metal from corrosion, thus the fence retains a good condition throughout its life. An installation of the fence does not require special care and the use of durable paint, drives away the need of painting for a long time.

The use of the same paint for various architectural elements makes it possible to make all the playground in one color scheme.


Fencing sections are used to separate the playground from the yard or street. Fencing not only set the borders of the area, but it can also have a purely decorative function, without blemishing the look of architecture or the playground and creating the impression of space limitation. Fence is easy to install does not require a lot of time or work.